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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Sightings: Goodbye Nebraska, hello Wyoming.

Today was a great day because we left Nebraska and entered Wyoming. Love the Nebraskan people, highly dislike the Nebraskan headwinds. These are photos from the past two days.

Brook's wheel

Grain silos- Chadron, NE

The pipe that takes grain from the silo for deposits it truck beds or train cars (see next photo).

There's a giant drill bit that runs the length of the pipe (you can see the top part of it- that rodlike thing- through the hole at top), which drives the grain from the silo out this hole for deposit into various means of transport.

I liked the silos

Train suspension

Artsy fartsy

I was driving the van today, and had time to work on my bike with a nice view.

Lunch n' trailer


Then I moved my bike

Finally, out of the flats and into some hills and terrain.

Crazy, chalet-like cafe that was closed. Would have liked to see the inside. I was pretty enthused with the architecture. This is the Western side.

South side

East side. It looks like weird, giant boat.

And then we got to Wyoming. Another Bike & Build tradition is to mount every state sign as we enter.


Then we cross the highway and took a photo at the Nebraska state sign. This is what we thought of the relentless, 15-25 mph Nebraskan headwinds and the barren landscapes that drove us mad.

Wyoming skies and weather

On the way to Lusk

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