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Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th of July to you

Spent 4th of July this year in a great little town called Marshaltown, IA. Even though we're on the road, we had to do it up and do it right for the 4th. We started out with a good ol' BBQ: hamburgers, veggie burgers, hotdogs, potato/pasta salad, the works. It was a perfect summer night, and after downing burgers while laying on the grass, we headed off to the Marshaltown Veteran's Memorial Park to see the fireworks. No one in our group knew what kind of fireworks show we'd get, but when we arrived to the park, the entire town seemed to be there, so we knew they would be good. And they were, impressive by any city's standards, let alone a small town in Iowa. Our entire group is loving this state, and I bet some figurative tears will be shed when we cross into Nebraska in a couple days.

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