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Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Coke is it!

I'm super exhausted right now, bout to pass out at a whopping 11 p.m., but I'm really trying to make good on my wish to post at least every other day, even if it is filler. hah.

All 27 starry-eyed riders got here, and the day went smoothly. As one of four leaders of this trip, we worked very hard to make sure everything moved seamlessly, things got done, and everyone gets that all-important first impression. I think we hit all these points, so I'm stoked, and I know it can (most likely) only get easier. We have a great group of diverse riders from all over the country, all in different stages of life, all with different riding levels. I would wish for more diversity, but hey, I'm one to talk.

I'll leave 'you' with some photos of this killa breakfast spot called Olga's that donated two breakfasts to us, then some randoms of our van and a gas station, then my sweet room.

I'm getting pretty tired of NOT shooting (and seeming to shoot only at 24mm when I do). I will make a pact with myself to shoot 1-2 4x5" frames before I leave this town. Peace out, A-town down.

I am going to sleep on that orange sleeping pad... Now.

1 comment:

Patito said...

Oh, Jewelry District, I miss you...