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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Multnomah Falls

A couple shots from Multnomah Falls, OR. About 45 minutes East of Portland, where I am right now. With a new room, a new bed, a new dresser, and the same desk. We should do a print trade as well, so I have something to hang on my wall.

And for the love of God, try to convince unregistered voters to vote while there's still time, undecided voters to educate themselves on each candidates stance on the the issues at hand (so people aren't voting on a 'gut' instinct formed by spin), and also to go get your Jewish grandparents in Florida to go out and vote Obama... or else, hopefully they stay healthy for one more year...

Deep Trees- Multnomah Falls, OR

Two Girls- Multnomah Falls, OR

Look down

Look out

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