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Saturday, October 11, 2008

I have no photos...

... so the best thing I can give is half-assed inspiration. The inspiration isn't half-assed, my attempts are. Check out this guy Nich Hance. I have no idea who he is, and it doesn't seem like he's got a website. But he takes some beautiful, vivid, lo-fi images of people and amazing Alaskan-and-beyond landscapes. Check him out.

I've been assisting a bit and getting on my feet here, hence the lack of blog posts. I went on a killer bike ride today up to Sauvie island, and took the world's crappiest digital point and shoot camera with me. I'll put em' up tomorrow, after I make a killer omlette with goat cheese, shallots, spinach, and wild mushrooms, which I've been looking forward to all week.

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