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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Anahita Avalos

Slammin, slammin interview in the rotating gallery on too much chocolate this week. I'm so happy with the quality of the interviews lately, and the fact that it's getting photographers all over the world talking about their work, their ideology, their influences, their environment. It's starting to resemble the concept I had in my mind when I started the site.

The two photos below are by this week's interviewee, Anahita Avalos, and I'm in love with them. Anahita wrote me and asked if it's ok if the person she interviews next week doesn't speak English, I said yes as long as it's translated. I'm excited. Not that I'm alluding to some Senior Frog's-like American sentiment that a non-English-speaker will automatically make for an exotic and thus great interview, I'm just jazzed to see where else this thing goes geographically.

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