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Monday, March 30, 2009

mobile photos

Hope y'awl have been kind of enjoying the mobile photos, I've been busy doing things and don't really have much to say, just things to show from where I am at the moment. Hope it's aight. I was thinking about having a separate tumblr page like some people, but I'm trying to keep the number of pages you and I have to visit to a minimum. So this blog will contain everything.


Sick but staying stylish.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009


The shoot is done, en route to NYC for some meetings, then DC, then
Philly, then home to Portland.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Apparently this is how they roll in Qatar. Venetian canals in their mall.

Image courtesty of Tamara Abdul Hadi

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Seashell lamp. Off to cross country ski now.

Friday, March 13, 2009

I just learned how to mobile-post photos I took with my iphone to this blog. Yay technology!

Flying to Vermont

This was my layover in Chi-town.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Kanye Chedda

Thanks, Adam Golfer.

Surf Central

Oregon coast, last weekend. You should probably live here.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Some fri-ends came to visit. Maybe some shots to come. Vermont on Friday. NYC later. DC later. Philly latest.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Monday, March 2, 2009

You help me help you to help me help others...

Hi readers,

As you may or may not know, I'm biking across country for a third time this summer. I don't do these rides alone, I ride with a non-profit group called Bike & Build, an organization that raises money for affordable housing providers, such as Habitat for Humanity.

The structure of these trips is as follows: each of the 30 or so riders on the trip raise $4,000 to participate in the ride, the proceeds of which are given out (in grant form) towards local affordable housing groups along the route. Once on the road, we also volunteer roughly once a week on build sites throughout the trip, assisting in building affordable homes for deserving families who could otherwise not afford adequate, safe, comfortable housing. Naturally, the trips involve a great deal of community interaction (many of my portraits began as conversations with locals I met along the way); all-in-all, the structure of the trip is amazingly multifaceted and constructive.

As you can imagine, it's been difficult to raise money this year, in between the recession and having asked some my donors twice before for support. Furthermore, the businesses I've approached all seem to be counting their pennies.

So, I'm writing to you, and you, and you, here, today, through the power of the Internet, to ask you to help me to help you and to help me help others. What? How, you ask?!? Well... have a look at my diagram:

- You help me: Please consider donating to my trip this upcoming summer.
- Me help you: If you make a tax-deductible contribution $75 or more, I will send you an 8x10" print of your choice- select any image off my website. If you donate $150 or more, I will send you an 11x14" print. If you donate $250 or more, I will send you 2 11x14" prints.
- You help me help others: Your donations directly enable me to go out this summer, help build beautiful, affordable houses for those in need over 16 days, connect with a spectrum of hundreds of Americans (whose stories I'll bring to you this summer via my blog) and catalyze positive change across the country (yes we can).

I kindly appreciate any donation; this is a great opportunity and a great cause. If you wish to (tax-deductible-y) contribute, please do so online by visiting this page. If you've donated enough for a print, shoot me an email with your order and your address.

Thanks so much for your consideration, and please pass this letter on to any friends/photo community blogs that might have interest in this cause.
